

The health insurance company Visana, headquartered in Bern, was formed in 1996 from the merger of the insurance companies KKB, Grütli and Evidenzia. Currently, 698,000 people are insured under the mandatory basic health insurance scheme, which corresponds to a market share of 7.3 %. Premium income amounts to around CHF 3.3 billion. In addition to basic insurance, health insurers also offer various optional supplementary insurance plans.



World Post Road 17-21
3000 Bern


450,169 in basic insurance

Refund period

Ø 5 days

Solvency ratio

209 %

Administrative expenses

127 CHF per customer


Visana basic insurance

With an average premium of CHF 504.90, Visana is one of the most expensive health insurers in Switzerland in 2019. The benefits of the basic insurance exceed the statutory mandatory benefits. The standard model also includes statutory health protection and free telemedical consultation. In addition, you have a free choice of doctor and can decide for yourself whether to see your family doctor, specialist or hospital doctor.
You can save money by increasing the deductible amount or choosing an alternative insurance model. Visana Health Insurance offers two family doctor models. The managed care model chooses a family doctor or a Group Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) as your first point of contact in case of illness. With Med Direct, you go to your doctor first. Insurance premium savings are up to 18 percent.
Basic insurance coverage is supplemented by three telemedicine models. With the Telmed models TelDoc, Med Call and Tel Care, you must first contact the telemedical consultation center before visiting a doctor.


Voluntary supplementary insurance

To close insurance gaps in the mandatory basic insurance, you can take out voluntary supplementary outpatient insurance in three levels. Supplementary outpatient insurance I, II and III provide coverage for eyeglasses, contact lenses, medical aids, medications not covered by health insurance and preventive medical checkups. In addition, they cover vaccinations on a pro-rata basis as well as transportation costs and fitness services. In addition, the Vacanza travel insurance is included free of charge.

Complementary insurance is designed for policyholders who want alternative medicine in addition to conventional medicine. The price levels can be selected from Complementary I, II and III. Depending on the price level, the complementary insurances reimburse 90 % of the treatment costs up to a total of CHF 1000.-, 4000.- or CHF 10'000.- per year.


Hospital Insurance

General hospital insurance includes free choice of hospital throughout Switzerland, multi-bed rooms, Vacanza travel insurance, room, bath and convalescent cures. The semi-private and private hospital insurance SpitalFlex allows you to choose your doctor freely for your insurance coverage. The semi-private rate option applies to a stay in a double room and the private rate option applies to a single room. In addition, a maternity benefit is granted for outpatient births.


Dental insurance

Supplementary dental insurance protects you against the additional costs of dental treatment. You can choose from 10 benefit levels. The dental insurance covers up to 75 % of the treatment costs and covers a total of CHF 5000 per year.


In comparison

You can find out whether Visana is the right health insurance company for you by comparing the insurance offers. We advise you free of charge and without obligation and are happy to help you compare the benefits and premiums of your health insurance.


Health insurance comparison 2023

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