

Sumiswalder Krankenkasse has been a health and accident insurance company since 1823. The health insurance company operates mainly in German-speaking Switzerland and focuses on the canton of Bern and the surrounding states. The company has more than 27,000 policyholders and aims to offer products tailored to the needs of its customers. Our insurance comparison shows whether it is worth switching to Sumiswalder.



Spitalstrasse 47
3454 Sumiswald


19,577 in basic insurance

Refund period

Ø 4 days

Solvency ratio

170 %

Administrative expenses

95 CHF per customer


Basic insurance

With Sumiswalder Krankenkasse's mandatory basic health insurance, you have a choice of three models. The standard model (choice of doctor) is a traditional model that complies with the Health Insurance Act (KVG). When you are sick, you decide whether you want to go to your doctor, specialist or group health maintenance organization (HMO). Sign up for your primary care physician model and select your primary care physician from the list of physicians. This primary care physician will be your first point of contact in the future. There are exceptions for emergency examinations, gynecological and ophthalmological examinations. If you opt for the Sumis24 (Telmed) model, you first call the Medi24 telemedical consultation hotline in the event of illness. The medical professional will determine the further treatment.


Voluntary supplementary insurance

Sumiswalder Krankenkasse's supplementary health insurance supplements the benefits provided by basic insurance. For example, you receive higher allowances for vision and medical assistance, preventive services and dental care.

Complementary medicine is a supplementary insurance for alternative medicine. Reimbursement of treatment costs and medications from the field of alternative medicine up to CHF 4000.- per year in three benefit levels. Courses recognized as fitness subscriptions are covered at CHF 200.- per year. Dental is a dental insurance offered by Sumiswalder Krankenkasse. Eight benefit levels are available with reimbursements of up to 75 % of treatment costs and up to CHF 5000 per calendar year.


Hospital Insurance

Combination supplementary insurance combines hospital insurance with household assistance, transport costs, orthodontics, prevention and contributions to foreign benefits. Hospital insurance comes in three levels of coverage: general, quasi-private and private. If you want to be more comfortable in hospital, you can combine the Kombi+ model with a comfortable supplementary hospital insurance. This reimburses you for one or two rooms in the general ward of the selected hospital.


Dental insurance

Dental insurance reimburses dental treatment and preventive measures. You can choose from four service levels. At these service levels, you will be reimbursed 50-75 % of the costs up to CHF 3000 per calendar year.


Family discount

When taking out basic insurance in combination with supplementary, combined or additional medical insurance, you will receive a 100 % premium discount from the child of the second insured.


If you choose a different insurance model, Sumiswalder Health Insurance 7 % will give you a premium discount. You can also save money by increasing the deduction amount. Adults can choose an annual deduction of up to CHF 2500. The higher the deduction amount, the higher the premium discount. From the third insured child, there is an additional 50 % family discount in the basic insurance.

In comparison

If you want to know how much you can save by switching to Sumiswalder Health Insurance, compare with us. Our premium calculator will show you your savings potential in just a few minutes. You can then request a non-binding insurance quote directly online.


Health insurance comparison 2023

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