

Rhenusana was founded in 1944 as AG Heinrich Wild Geodäsie Betriebskrankenkasse, it still sticks to its concept today: it covers the entire spectrum of mandatory basic and supplementary insurance. Get a comprehensive overview with our health insurance calculator - maybe it's worth switching?



Heinrich-Wild-Strasse 210
P.O. Box
9435 Heerbrugg


9853 in basic insurance

Refund period

Ø 4 days

Solvency ratio


Administrative expenses

132 CHF per customer


Rhenusana basic insurance

At Rhenusana Health Insurance, those interested in mandatory basic insurance can choose between three models.

  • Standard - This model gives you free choice of doctor if you are sick, have an accident or seek medical care during pregnancy.
  • Family doctor model - If you choose this option, you may want to consult your doctor first. If this is desirable, they will give you a recommendation to meet an expert.
  • sanmed24 - This Telmed model initially offers to seek advice from the telemedicine hotline. There, further treatment strategies are determined and, if necessary, referrals are made to a specialist, general practitioner or hospital.

If you choose one of these alternative models of basic insurance, you can also reduce your premiums by changing the payment method every six months or every six months. In addition, you can increase the deductible amount and insure more favorably. In addition, the family benefits from the special discount of the child of the third insured.

Voluntary supplementary insurance

The coverage provided by the mandatory basic insurance can be extended as needed with the help of various supplementary insurances, including alternative medicine, dentistry, prevention and comfort during hospitalization. You have the following options:

  • rhenuPLUS - This outpatient subsidy insurance can score with a high co-payment. Visual assistance is paid up to CHF 500, health promotion measures up to CHF 2,000 and alternative medicine up to CHF 10,000. In addition, this insurance covers rescue and transport costs as well as orthodontic costs for insured persons up to the age of 20.
  • rhenuDENTA - There are three benefit levels for taking out dental insurance with Rhenusana. Includes dental treatment, orthodontics and prevention at home and abroad. Up to 90 %, up to CHF 2000 per year.
  • rhenuKRANKENHAUS - Supplementary hospital insurance is very flexible. You can choose a doctor and hospital anywhere in Switzerland and decide on the type of accommodation before your hospital stay. Both general ward and quasi-private ward or private ward are problematic. Only in terms of premium reimbursement and deductions do the benefit levels differ if you choose the semi-private or private ward.
  • rhenuSWISS - With this surcharge you have the free choice between a Swiss hospital or the Principality of Liechtenstein. In case of illness, birth or accident in the general ward.

If you insure more than one person with Rhenusana, the family discount also applies to the supplementary insurance. rhenuSWISS also discounts premiums for two or more people in a household.


In comparison

You can find out whether and how switching to Rhenusana is worthwhile with our health insurance calculator. Of course, you can also request a personal offer directly - free of charge and without obligation.

Health insurance comparison 2023

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