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Premium comparison

Are you paying too much for your health insurance? In terms of basic coverage, all Swiss health insurers offer the same benefits. However, the premium amounts vary greatly under certain circumstances. Use our premium calculator to determine your savings potential. Simply and with just a few clicks, you can save several hundred francs a year.

Health insurance comparison 2023

Would you like to change your health insurance company? We will help you!

Use the premium calculator and calculate the savings on health insurance.

Our premium calculator uses the premiums approved by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). This means you always receive up-to-date data. Unlike the FOPH's PriminfoCalculator, you can use our premium calculator to request a non-binding quote directly. This saves time when comparing different factors.

Your advantages with the health insurance premium calculator:

  • Calculate savings potential with just a few clicks
  • Data based on FOPH-approved premiums
  • current premiums of health insurance companies at your canton of residence
  • independent, free of charge and without obligation
  • Request offers directly


How the premium calculator works

Would you like to know how expensive your health insurance is compared to other insurers? Or have you considered changing your health insurance provider? Then use our premium calculator to find the best deal.

First, select your current health insurance company and enter your zip code and age group into the premium calculator. By entering your place of residence, the premium calculator only takes into account health insurance companies that are also represented in your state.

In the next step, you can compare the premiums of different insurance models. You can immediately see how choosing a different basic insurance model will affect your premiums. By choosing an annual deductible, you can still influence your health insurance premiums. The premium calculator also tells you how much you could save overall if you choose a different health insurance company.

Then you can request a detailed offer directly. Simply point out which criteria are particularly important to you when choosing your health insurance. Are you mainly looking for low premiums? Would you also like to take out supplementary insurance? Do you want free choice of doctors or health insurance with a family discount? Once you have made your selection, enter your personal data and submit the form again. You will receive a non-binding offer with a 2023 premium approved by the FOPH.

Compare premiums in a few minutes 

Save hundreds of CHF per year!