Lucerne hinterland

lucerne hinterland

The Luzerner Hinterland Krankenkasse, based in Zell, has a long history. Founded in 1905 as a branch of the craftsmen's association of Zel and the surrounding area, it started with 32 members. Today, the health insurance company serves more than 20,000 insured people from 10 states. However, the focus of the area is the Lucerne countryside. This makes Krankenkasse Luzerner Hinterland one of the smaller providers, but this conviction has been successful. Health insurers rank highly in the survey, primarily because of their high quality of service. Take your time and check if Krankenkasse Luzerner Hinterland is the right one for you. It will provide you with all the information you need.



Lucerne street 19
6144 Cell


23163 in basic insurance

Refund period

Ø 6 days

Solvency ratio


Administrative expenses

79 CHF per customer


Luzerner Hinterland - Basic insurance

With two basic insurance models, the Luzerner Hinterland health insurance company covers the legally required scope of mandatory health insurance, just like any other health insurance company. However, if one compares the conditions, one encounters different contributions. A trial-and-error means of significantly reducing contributions is to choose the right model.

Of course, with the standard model, this health insurance company can leave the Swiss doctors free to choose. If you get sick, you talk directly to your doctor or specialist. The family doctor model, on the other hand, promises to go to the family doctor in any case - and pays a lower premium for this. In addition, to reduce insurance premiums, the annual deductible can be increased up to CHF 2500 for adults and CHF 600 for children. The deadline for this change is November 30.


Voluntary supplementary insurance

The Luzerner Hinterland health insurance company can also individually expand the range of services offered by the basic insurance for primary care. With this provider, you can choose from the following options:

  • This rate will significantly increase outpatient profits. Higher copays for alternative medicine, visual and medical assistance, non-prescription drugs, pediatric transportation and dental care. Dental insurance
  • Supplementary dental insurance pays for adult dental care - at multiple benefit levels. They can reimburse up to 75 % of the costs up to CHF 5000 per year.
  • General Hospital Insurance allows you to choose freely between Swiss doctors and hospitals as well as accommodation in the corresponding price levels. Price level 1-Accommodation in general ward Price level 2-Accommodation in semi-private ward Price level 3-Accommodation in private ward Surcharge, if you choose a Hospital Insurance Combination Hotel, you can additionally enjoy general services in a comfortable 1- or 2-room hotel.

If your Luzerner Hinterland health insurance company insures more than one child, you can also count on 30% discount on the donations from the basic insurance for your child. The third child is also insured free of charge in the supplementary insurance until the oldest sibling is 15 years old.

In comparison

Use our health insurance calculator to compare this health insurance offer with others. Not only will you see where Luzerner Hinterland Health Insurance stands out from the competition, but you'll also see the potential savings if you switch. If you are interested in a quote, we recommend that you request your personal quote directly. If you have any questions or problems, you are of course welcome to call us.



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