Health insurance companies

According to the Swiss Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG), every person residing in Switzerland must take out insurance with a Swiss health insurance company. This applies to both Swiss citizens and foreigners. Competition among health insurance companies is fierce. In the basic insurance, every health insurance company is obliged to provide the same benefits. However, the premium amount varies with other health insurance companies and also depends on the country of residence. Many policyholders pay too high premiums, especially for basic insurance. You can save several hundred francs a year by switching health insurers.

Health insurance comparison 2023

Would you like to change your health insurance company? We will help you!

All health insurance companies in Switzerland

health insurance

We make it easy for you to switch health insurers. Use our premium comparison to determine your savings potential and request a free quote right away. The list of health insurance companies also gives you detailed information on the various health insurance companies in Switzerland.

Every health insurance company in Switzerland is subject to the FOPH (Federal Office of Public Health). The Swiss Confederation controls the premiums charged by insurance companies. Each fall, the FOPH (Federal Office of Public Health) publishes an up-to-date overview of premiums for the coming year. The health insurance company must also notify its policyholders of the premium increase in writing.

At the latest when you are notified of a premium increase, you should think about a change. We give you a premium comparison with current BAG data. With just a few clicks, you can compare your health insurance premiums and determine your savings potential. If you want to change your health insurance, you can cancel your old health insurance with us and get a discount on cheaper health insurance.
