Groupe Mutuel Health Insurance
Groupe Mutuel Health Insurance is the second largest health insurance company in Switzerland, with around 1.44 million insured persons. Four health insurance companies belong to this group: Philos AG, Avenir AG, Easy Sana AG and AMB Assurance. The turnover in the health insurance sector amounts to CHF 3.7 billion. Groupe Mutuel offers both basic and supplementary insurance to private customers, including dental insurance. Compare prices and find the health insurance that suits you.
Rue des Cèdres 5
1919 Martigny
400,857 in basic insurance
Refund period
Ø 10 days
Solvency ratio
Administrative expenses
158 CHF per customer
Groupe Mutuel - Basic insurance
With Groupe Mutuel basic insurance, you can choose from various models. The classic basic insurance covers the costs of illness, pregnancy, accident and medication covered by the health insurance. You are free to choose your doctor. The amount of the insurance premiums depends on the amount of the deduction (deduction target).
Durch die Wahl eines anderen Versicherungsmodells können Sie Ihre Prämien senken. Das alternative Versicherungsmodell Primacare ist ein Hausarztmodell. Bei Krankheit oder Unfall wenden Sie sich bitte zuerst an Ihren Arzt. Es kann auch ein Hausarzt in einer Gemeinschaftspraxis (HMO) sein. Ihr Arzt wird Sie bei Bedarf an einen Facharzt überweisen. Das alternative Versicherungsmodell von Doctors’ Network wählt Ihren Arzt aus der Liste der Partnerärzte der Groupe Mutuel aus. Telemedizinische Modelle sind ebenfalls verfügbar. Wenn Sie sich für das Telmed-Modell Sana Tel entscheiden, rufen Sie im Krankheitsfall zuerst die telemedizinische Beratungsstelle Medi24 an. Die Beratungsstelle vermittelt Ihnen Ärzte und Krankenhäuser.
Voluntary supplementary insurance
If you suffer from an illness at home or abroad and would like more protection, you can choose from a wide range of supplementary insurance and dental insurance from Groupe Mutuel. The six global variants combine different supplementary insurances into one package.
- Global 1 through 4 provides four levels of benefits in the outpatient setting and is managed in the outpatient setting. The insurance subsidizes emergency transportation, alternative medicine, eyeglasses, contact lens costs and precautions.
- Global Classic is a voluntary family insurance plan from Groupe Mutuel Health Insurance. With the "Plus" option, you can extend your coverage to include alternative medicine and health promotion.
- Global mi-privée and privée expand the scope of outpatient services and enhance hospital privacy by allowing patients to stay in semi-private or private units.
- Global Flex allows you to choose a station based on your treatment and offers a variety of flexible expansion options.
- With a personalized global solution, you can choose from three service levels, three hospital departments and three franchises. Levels 2 and 3 include dental insurance.
With the H-Bonus model, you can choose the level of comfort in the hospital individually and the health insurance company covers part of the costs. In addition, supplementary hospital insurance with free choice of hospital throughout Switzerland, hospital insurance for seniors over 55, supplementary health insurance and Alterna supplementary insurance for alternative medicine are available. Dentaireplus dental insurance contributes to the costs of dental treatment and orthodontics in three benefit levels. The Mundo supplementary insurance covers treatment costs abroad.
In comparison
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