Change health insurance

Changing your health insurance is this easy

Many insured persons want to change their health insurance company at the latest when the health insurance company increases its monthly premiums. A change of health insurance can save hundreds to thousands of francs annually. The conditions for changing the basic insurance and the supplementary insurance are different. If you want to change your health insurance company, here is what you need to consider.



Health insurance comparison 2023

Would you like to change your health insurance company? We will help you!

It's that simple!

The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) approves the health insurance premiums for the following year each fall. Health insurers must inform their policyholders of the new monthly premiums in writing by October 31 at the latest. After receiving this information letter, you can change your basic insurance until the end of the year. Before you change your health insurance company, you should first carry out a health insurance comparison. This will help you find the cheapest insurance for your needs.

When comparing insurance, also check whether it is worth switching to a different insurance model. There is also potential for savings if you set a higher annual deductible. After comparing health insurance companies, request a quote from one or more health insurance companies. The health insurance company sends you an offer. You choose your preferred offer and register with your new health insurance company using the attached form.

You then only have to cancel your old health insurance. However, there are different notice periods to observe.

Change health insurance

When must the basic insurance be cancelled?

If you wish to change your health insurance company after the announcement of the premium increase, you can do so until the end of the year. Cancellations of basic insurance must be received by the insurers by November 30 at the latest. The date of the postmark is not decisive, but the actual receipt of the termination letter from the insurance company. Cancellation is effective as of December 31. If your health insurance company increases premiums in the middle of the year, you must notify them by the end of April. You can then cancel by May 31 and can switch to another health insurance company on July 1.

Cancellation period for supplementary insurance

You can switch basic and supplementary insurance on your own. This means you can keep your basic coverage and simply switch to the supplementary coverage of another provider. The cancellation period for supplementary insurance is determined individually by each health insurance provider. Therefore, please read the insurance terms and conditions carefully and adhere to the cancellation date specified therein. If your health insurance company increases your supplementary insurance premium, you can cancel with one month's notice and switch to another provider.

Basic insurance with ordinary deductible

For an interannual change of the KVG it is mandatory the model free choice of doctor to have (basic model).

When taking out basic insurance with a monthly ordinary deductible of CHF 300, there is an additional cancellation date in the middle of the year. The termination date is June 30. A three-month notice period applies. This means that your letter of termination must be received by the health insurance company by March 31 at the latest.

Health insurance compare and switch

If you want to change your health insurance, make a free health insurance comparison with us and ask for quotes directly from us, if you want more advice, do not hesitate to contact us.

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