
SLKK emerged from the Swiss Teachers' Health Insurance Fund. The company describes itself as a "smart health insurance company" and aims to offer needs-based insurance solutions. The health insurance company, which is headquartered in Zurich, signed up around 21,1000 policyholders for basic insurance in 2018. Our comparison shows whether it is worth switching to the health insurance company.



Hofwiesenstrasse 370
P.O. Box
8050 Zurich


13,223 in basic insurance

Refund period

Ø 19 days

Solvency ratio


Administrative expenses

172 CHF per customer


Basic insurance

SLKK offers health insurance based on the modular principle. The basis is the mandatory basic insurance. In addition to the traditional standard model (choice of doctor), alternative models TelCare (Telmed) and HomeCare (family doctor) are available. In the traditional model, you choose a doctor whom you consult in case of illness. You may also choose to consult a group health maintenance organization (HMO) physician. In the TelCare model, call the medical advice hotline first. In the HomeCare model, your primary care physician is your first point of contact.


Voluntary supplementary insurance

The second element of private health insurance is voluntary supplementary insurance. Supplementary insurance Medico-Plus supplements the benefits of basic insurance in the outpatient area and is available in four different variants.

  • Standard offers higher and extended reimbursements for a variety of treatments and devices.
  • Alternatively, it provides higher cost of goods sold for alternative medicine.
  • Complete is a combination of standard and alternative services.
  • Jeunesse is a supplementary insurance for children and adolescents up to 18 years of age.

QualiCare.basis supplementary insurance combines contributions for alternative medicine, preventive health care, visual aids and other aids with indemnities for gynecological examinations and corrections of misaligned jaws and teeth. The QualiCare.comfort package adds additional benefit areas such as contraception, breastfeeding benefits and cosmetic surgery.


Hospital Insurance

With SLKK hospital insurance, you decide for yourself in which hospital and with which doctor you would like to be treated. Depending on the model, you can also increase the comfort during your hospital stay. You can choose between the General F1, Semi-Private F2, Private F3 and Worldwide Private F4 models. With the SuperFlex model, the decision to be admitted as an inpatient is made voluntarily before your stay in each ward.


Dental insurance

As a supplementary insurance, the health insurance companies offer supplementary dental insurance. There are five benefit levels to choose from, which reimburse 50-75 % of dental treatment costs and up to CHF 3000 per calendar year.


Health insurance companies offer you several ways to lower your premiums. If you pay your health insurance premium in advance, you will receive a 0.5-1 % discount. Premium discounts also apply if you choose the TelCare or HomeCare (your doctor) model. You can also increase the deduction amount if you want to save it. The maximum deduction is CHF 2500 for adults and CHF 600 for children.

In comparison

With us, you can compare the costs and benefits of SLKK with other health insurance companies. With our premium calculator, you can calculate your savings potential and request a non-binding insurance quote in just a few minutes.


Health insurance comparison 2023

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