egk health insurance

EGK Krankenkasse has been in existence since 1919. The abbreviation is Eidgenössische Gesundheitskasse (Federal Health Insurance Fund), and the insurance company is based in Lofen. More than 98,400 people have basic insurance with the company. In addition to the compulsory health insurance, the EGK also offers various supplementary insurances.



Brislachstrasse 2
4242 Running


97,499 in basic insurance

Refund period

Ø 16 days

Solvency ratio


Administrative expenses

233 CHF per customer


EGK - Basic insurance

Compulsory health care insurance is the basic health insurance whose benefits are regulated by law. With the standard model (choice of doctor), you first consult your family doctor, general practitioner or specialist in the event of illness. In addition, the health insurance companies offer two alternative models with which premiums can be saved.

  • The EGK-Care model is the so-called managed care family doctor model. If you are sick, first consult your doctor. Your doctor will decide what to do next.
  • In the EGK-TelCare model, you first contact Medgate's telemedical consultation center in the event of illness to receive an individual treatment plan.

Voluntary supplementary insurance

At EGK-SUN rates, health insurers offer comprehensive supplementary insurance for conventional and natural medicine. All four benefit levels apply to both outpatients and inpatients.

Benefit Level 3 hospital insurance covers confinement in general wards. In benefit level 2, you are semi-personally detained, in benefit level 1, you are personally detained. With supplementary hospital insurance benefit level 4, you have the flexibility to choose the comfort level you want before each admission. In all benefit levels, you have free choice of doctor and hospital. In addition, the health insurance covers contributions to preventive health care, spa stays, visual aids and many other benefits.
If you purchase supplemental insurance for all household members and deposit the premium into your account, you will receive 10 % off the family discount.

Dental insurance

EGK-DENT dental insurance not only contributes to dental treatment and oral surgery, but also to prevention. You can choose between three benefit classes, with reimbursement of 50-75 % of your treatment costs and reimbursement of up to CHF 500-1500 per calendar year.


You can save on premiums by choosing an alternative basic insurance model Care or TelCare. You can also lower your insurance premiums by paying a higher deductible. Adults can deduct up to CHF 2500 per year.


In comparison

Is it worth switching to the EGK health insurance fund? You can use the premium calculator to quickly and easily compare and determine your savings potential. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


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